Premium Package

Premium Package Includes:
-MFG Lead Connector
-Automation & AI Optimization
-Premium Direct Support via Phone/Email/Video Conference
-1 Promotional Campaign/month (Includes Email/SMS/Social Media*)
-Optional Direct Mail Integration into drip campaigns
-Sales & Sales Management Training
-1 Quarterly System Performance Review/Meeting
-4 Hours Included/month - Can be used for any On Demand Marketing Automation Service (API Creation not included)
-On Demand Marketing & Automation Services - $150.00/hr

499.00 499.0 USD 499.00


    This combination does not exist.

    Terms and Conditions
    *Service package included items email, sms, social media, etc... are based on your crm's features and specs.  Not all crms have all functionality, so these are examples of items that will be included.
    ++Service package hours can be used for different On-Demand services each month.  The items on the above agreement are examples based on time, so if one month you would like a promotional campaign worked on, the next you could have custom reporting or sales trainings.  All services are based on time and you will be updated as you use the contracted time.